Travel & Expense Policy

Travel & Expense Policy

All employees are responsible for:

1. Exercising good judgment and discretion in spending company funds so that expenses incurred are necessary, have a good business purpose and are reasonable.
2. Filling expense reports in timely manner to facilitate the paying of charged items relating to the employee’s travel and other record keeping directly related to expense reports.
3. Requests for business travel should be made by the employee and approved by the immediate manager (Mange level and above). Approval can be over email.
4. Upon return from business travel, employees are expected to claim reimbursements for expenses by the submission of all original receipts in case of lost receipt, approval needs to be obtained from the immediate manager.

List of approved expenses

1. Boarding and lodging (as per entitlements);
2. Meals (for self or with business associates, if any);
3. Conveyance ( as per entitlements/local conveyance at actuals);
4. Visa and vaccination fees (Only in the case of international travel);

The following expenses will not be reimbursed:

1. Health and beauty aids;
2. Personal entertainment such as sporting events, theatre etc.
3. Alcohol ( to be read with the below given guideline);


‘The above list of exclusions is not exhaustive and it is up to the employee and manager to ensure that any expenses not related to company’s business are not claimed.

1. All employees entitled to air travel shall travel by economy class.
2. All reimbursements shall be on the basis of original bills/receipts.