Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy offers answers to the following questions:

a) What kind of information We may collect and why we collect such Information;
b) How We use the information;
c) The options we provide you with, including how to have access to, update and control information;
d) Your obligations in respect of privacy protection; and
e) Information security.

Types of selection/collection of personal information

a) Why We collect information
We render services to you by means of website, software and other applications. We collect your information only for the purpose of improving your experience of using Our Products and services, facilitating your use of Our Products and services more expediently, and obtaining the information that you need in a faster and more accurate way.
b) What information we collect and how we collect information
1. Registration information you submit
2. Data information you uploaded
3. The information we obtain during your use of our services.
c) Access to, review and update of personal information
You may review or change your personal information, however, for the sake of security; you may only do so after you log in. In case of any changes to your personal information, you shall timely log in to your account for an update.
d) Cancellation of personal account
You may contact us to cancel your account. After cancel, we are not obliged to keep and offer information under your account.
e) Setting of personal information
You understand and agree that the information you make public may be browed, reposted and commented by other users of our services. You may protect your critical information by adjustment of privacy setting by yourself. We suggest you complete the privacy settings for your information to avoid risks, otherwise you will be deemed to have accepted the default settings we provide. You understand and agree that, given that our services include social networking web services, the default setting of products may make your personal information available to the public in order to improve user experience, and such default setting may enable any other person to have access to or obtain your personal information. If you hope to change such default setting, please make changes on relevant service pages.
f) Use of personal information
Your use of our products and services will signify that you have agreed to authorize us to collect and process your information. We collect and use your information to operate or improve our services, for instance, providing user information services, avoiding your repeated input of identical information when your use products and services, and offering contents tailored to your personality. We use your information but the result of such use may be inaccurate, and therefore you are required to exercise your own and prudent judgement when you use relevant services. You agree that we take no liability for such accuracy in respect of such use. We may contact you based on your personal information, for instance, sending our product updated information or service information to your email address or mobile phone number you submitted for registration. You may opt not to receive such information. Notwithstanding you forgoing option, we will still send special service emails in connection with you (e.g. notices about changes in service terms and conditions)
g) Unsolicited correspondence or junk mails
If you make your relevant information publicly available (e.g. contact information), you may receive unsolicited information from any other users, such as emails, SMS, etc.
h) Sharing personal information
Unless otherwise provided here inn, we will not share your personal information with any entity other than affiliates, partners or solution providers without your consent and in particularly we will not sell, lease or otherwise distribute your information. As a portion of our services may be provided to you as a result of our cooperation with above-mentioned relevant companies, you consent to our provision of your information to the foregoing relevant. Companies. You consent to our provision of your information to the foraging relevant companies for the purpose of providing you with corresponding services. Such relevant companies only use your information for the purpose of providing corresponding services. We guarantee the safe use of such information by entering into confidentially agreement or including confidentiality provisions in the contract with such relevant companies. During your use of relevant services, such relevant companies will also undertake the same responsibilities as those we undertake in order to protect the security of your information.
i) Disclosure and publicity of personal identity information
We respect and protect you privacy and undertake that we will not disclose users’ personal identity information to any third party institute or person except in accordance with the privacy policy, unless.
1. You agree to publicize your personal information;
2. Users’ personal information is required by law, governmental or judicial organizations; or
3. In case of emergency and where necessary, the information is required to be disclosed in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of other users or the public security and public interest.
j) Privacy protection after bankruptcy/sale/merger
If we sell the assets of the company, merge with another business entity or apply for bankruptcy, the information we collect in operating services may be transferred as part of our assets, and the new company after merger may continue to use these information as required by laws and as provided in the Privacy Policy.
k) Information Security
We take various security technologies and measures to protect the information and data stored in systems against authorized access, use or disclosure of the same. For instance, the safe channel for information you send through our products or website to us is protected by TLS (Transport Layer Security, which is the update edition of SSL, with 2048-bit RSA and 256-bit AES ENCRYPTIONN), and the information you have stored in the server is safeguarded with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 256-bit encryption, a bank grade security standard. Specific technical measures will be adjusted from time to time with the technical and business development.
We will use our best efforts to protect the security of your information, but will be unable to offer any guarantee due to the complexity of security environment of Internet. You may visit Security & Protection to further understand our information security policy.
l) Remedies for divulgence secrets
If you discover that your personal information has been or may be leaked, please notify us in a timely manner. We will use our best efforts to take reasonable measures to offer assistance. If we discover any possible security risks (e.g. system vulnerabilities), we may contact you through your registered email address or by posting alerts or announcement on our website.
m) Privacy terms applicable to juveniles
We pay great attention to the security and protection of juveniles’ privacy and data. We will be unable to identify whether the user is a juveniles to any third party, if we are informed that the user is a juvenile, unless for the purpose of providing necessary and emergent help or assisting the government or judicial organs.
If we learn that we have collected the personal information of a juvenile unintentionally, we shall have the right to take reasonable measure to delete such information from our records as soon as possible.
n) Risks and exemption
If you’re personal information or privacy is disclosed due to any of the following events, we will use our best efforts to remedy or assist you, provided, however, that you shall agree that we are not liable:
1) Information divulged due to computer virus, Trojan and hacker attack;
2) Personal information to be provided as required by law or relevant government’s;
3) Personal information disclosed because you tell your password to or share your registered account with others;