Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

It is to ensure that unacceptable conduct is addressed promptly and appropriately.

It applies to all Headway employees.

General requirements

Employees are expected to:
1. Comply with their contract and terms and conditions of employment.
2. Fulfill the duties of their post as reasonably required by their line manager.
3. Observe relevant Company rules, regulations and policies.
4. Comply with health, Safety and data protection requirements.


1. In serious cases the employee may be terminate from work on full pay if their continuing presence at work could be prejudicial to the satisfactory operation of Company business. In some cases of alleged serious or gross misconduct a Director may consider the employee should not be present at work while an investigation is being carried out. A termination will be authorized by a Director in consultation with the HR TEAM.
2. Employees on suspension will not be entitled to access any of Company’s premises or documents, including remotely, without the prior consent of the Head of HR. Howerver, Company will take account of the need for an employee to prepare any defense and make contact with any witnesses.


If an investigation is necessary it will normally be carried out by the line manager. Where this would not be appropriate, the Director, in consultation with the HR team, will appoint another manager to carry it out. The investigation will include an interview with the employee any witnesses and other as necessary, as well as the examination of any documentation. The investigation will include reference to previous relevant history. The investigator will write a report detailing the findings and, should they consider that there is a case to answer; a formal hearing will be arranged.

Formal Hearing

Where the facts of case appear to call for formal action hearing will be called on same day, The hearing should comprise a panel of at least two people advised by a member of HR. Where possible there should be a gender balance. The harassment committee members will attend to present their findings.