Leave Policy

Leave Policy

Commencement of Leave Period: 1st January to 31st December of every year. Grant of leave shall depend upon the exigencies of the work and shall be at the discretion of the manager/management.

All regular employees are entitled to 24 days leave in a year. There are three typed of leave:
1. Casual Leave
2. Sick Leave
3. Earned Leave

The details are as follows.

Casual Leave

Maximum Limit: 6 Days

Leave Application: A forma leave application needs to be submitted at least one day (or early) before commencement of leave. Non-compliance will result in it been treated as “Absenteeism”. No Casual leaves will be entertained without prior permission.

1. CL can be taken for minimum 0.5 to maximum 2 days in a single month. In case of more than e days leave, Leave should be as PL.
2. There are no casual leave carry-forwards. At the closing day of financial year any available leave under this head will lapse automatically.
3. CL cannot be appended with PL/Sl.
4. CL needs to be applied at least a week before, for 2 or more days leaves.
5. All employees who worked for total of 10 days in month would be eligible for prorate leave for that month.

Sick Leave

Maximum Limit: 6 Days

Leave application: Submission of leave application or intimation to office is mandatory.

1. SL can be taken for minimum 0.5 to maximum 6 days (paid).
2. There are no sick leave carry-forwards. At the closing day of calendar year any available leave under this head will lapse automatically.
3. For all absenteeism exceeding 3 days, medical certificate needs to be enclosed, For all absenteeism exceeding 7 days, every additional day beyond the 7th day will be adjusted against paid leave inn credit of the employee, subject to production of aforesaid medical papers.
4. SL can be appended with P,.
5. All employees who worked for total of 10 days in a month would be eligible for prorate basis leave for that month.

Earned/Privilege Leave

Maximum Limit: 12 Days

Leave Application: Leave application needs to be submitted and approved by immediate manager, at least 15 days before commencement of leave.

Rules: 1. EL can be taken for maximum limit of 60 days. Any accumulation beyond 60 days.
2. EL are carried forward to maximum limit of 60 days. Any accumulation beyond 60 days.
3. Pro rata basis for new joinee cannot be normally granted. It can be granted only if there are exceptional situations as given below with due approval from Reporting Manager:
Death in family (Spouse/child/Parents), Child birth, Self-marriage, Accidental hospitalization.
4. Earned leave will be credited in the beginning of calendar year to every employee’s account, but the entitlement will be proportional to the number of months worked. E.g. For every month completed in the pay roll of the company 1.5 days will be credited to the employee’s entitlement.
5. For resigned employees their leaves entitlement would be calculated pro rate i.e. till their last day of work. Any excess leave taken would be adjusted inn F&F.